ICSTI - UNEP Infoterra Regional Information Centre


PART A -- Environmental Policy and Organisational Overview


Government profile

[If any one parameter is not applicable, write N/A.]

Official name of country:

Official language(s):

Capital city:

Head of State:

Head of Government:

Ruling party: [specify Coalition of parties A, B etc if applicable]

Other major political parties:

Basic Geographic Profile


[If any one parameter is not applicable, write N/A.]

Location: [specify sub-region of continent]

Geographic co-ordinates: [specify south-west and north-east coordinates of latitude and longitude of bounding box for country]

Area (sq kms)




Land boundaries

Total (km):

Border countries:

Coastline (km):

Maritime claims:

Continental shelf:

Territorial sea (nm):



Natural resources:


Natural hazards (specify high-risk locations)



Hurricanes, Typhoons, Cyclones:



Forest fires:



Environmental issues profile

National issues: [provide a narrative description of the major environmental issues affecting the country (10-15 lines approx).]

Transboundary issues: [provide a narrative description of the major transboundary environmental issues affecting the country (10-15 lines approx).]


Environmental policy profile

Policy on national issues: [provide a narrative description of present government policy to address the major environmental issues affecting the country (10-15 lines approx).]

Policy on transboundary issues: [provide a narrative description of present government policy to address the major transboundary environmental issues affecting the country (10-15 lines approx).]

Environmental Action Plans: [provide the title of current national environmental action plan and year adopted. If accessible on the Internet, provide the web address (URL) as well. In addition to the national environmental action plan, provide titles of thematic (e.g. biodiversity, water resources management, forest management) action plans and year adopted. Countries with federal states should provide this information at the state or sub-national level as well.

Note – Do not include state-of-environment reports (see SOE report section below).]

Sustainable Development Strategies: [provide the title of current national sustainable development strategy and year adopted. If accessible on the Internet, provide the web address (URL) as well. In addition to the national strategy, provide titles of thematic (e.g. biodiversity, water resources management, forest management) sustainable development strategies and year adopted. Countries with federal states should provide this information at the state or sub-national level as well.]


UNEP contacts (policy level)

Minister for Environment: [name of minister and address of ministry. Include the ministry web address (URL) if applicable]

Short biography on Minister: [10-15 lines max]

Operational focal point (UNEP activities): [name, address, tel, fax, e-mail of the contact person responsible for liaison with UNEP at the operational level]

Main datasets and information products: [provide list with titles and web URL address for each information resource maintained by the ministry and publicly accessible.]


National focal points and cooperating institutions for environmental conventions, programmes and networks (government sector)

[In addition to the environment ministry, other ministries and state agencies (e.g. environmental protection agency) may be responsible for various aspects of environmental assessment, policy and management. The name and address of these institutions should be listed below. It is also important to include institutions that are focal points for major environmental conventions (UNFCCC, CBD, CCD, CITES, CMS,etc) and other major environmental programmes such as the GEF, and environmental information networks.]

Organisation: [name, address, web URL address]

Focal point for: [Insert name of environmental convention or international environmental programme area or environmental information network]

Main datasets and information products: [provide list with titles and web URL address for each information resource]


Focal point for:

Main datasets and information products:

[copy field names down as necessary]


Leading non-governmental organisations

[List the major non-governmental organisations that are operating within the country. For each NGO, specify its thematic or programmatic focus and its main information products.]

Non-governmental organisation: [name, address, web URL address]

Focal area: [thematic keywords]

Main datasets and information products: [provide list with titles and web URL address for each information resource]


Non-governmental organisation:

Focal area:

Main datasets and information products:


[copy field names down as necessary]


National state-of-the-environment reporting


National environment outlook: [provide a short statement (15-20 lines) on the likely future environmental trends for the country]

National State-of-the-Environment Report (SOER): [provide the title of current national SOE Report and year published. If accessible on the Internet, provide the web address (URL) as well.]

Other sub-national SOERs: . [In addition to the national SOE Report some countries, particularly those with federal states publish sub-national or regional SOERs. If so, provide the title of all current sub-national SOE reports and year published. If accessible on the Internet, provide the web address (URL) as well]

Key indicators (from UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook report)

[Provide figures for each indicator listed under the seven respective headings below.]


Total land area (sq km):

Agricultural land (or % of land area under agriculture):


Total forest area (or % of land under forests):

Deforestation rate (or variation in forested areas between 2 dates):


% of total land as protected areas/parks:

Number of threatened species (or percentage of total species under threat):


Total water supply (cubic km):

Total water extraction (cubic km):

% of population with access to safe drinking water:

Marine and coastal areas:

Fish catch (‘000 metric tons):

Total mangrove areas:


CO2 emissions per capita (‘000 metric tons):


%of population living in urban areas (and projections for 2015):

Car ownership per capita:


International reporting to external bodies on environmental matters


[Governments provide various environmental reports to external reporting bodies such as the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) and other statutory bodies at the regional level. Some of these country reports are accessible on the web. Provide the title of each report and year published. If accessible on the Internet, provide the web address (URL) as well.]

CSD (All countries): [check http://www.un.org/esa/earthsummit/ga97nat.htm]


OECD (Developed countries): [check http://www.oecd.org]

EU (Europe): [check http://europa.eu.int]

EEA (Europe): [check http://eea.eu.int]]

AMCEN (Africa): [no website]

ASEAN (Asia): [check http://www.asean.or.id/]

APEC (Asia): [check http://www.apecsec.org.sg/

Forum of Environment Ministers for Latin America and Caribbean: [no website]


[add names of other global or regional statutory bodies as necessary]

UNEP project activities


Project activity: [Give a brief synopsis of current project activity in the country that has UNEP involvement – max 5-7 lines]

Project activity:

[copy field name down as necessary]


International environmental relations


UNEP Governing Council membership: [If country is a member then specify expiry date of membership otherwise write N/A]

Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD): [If country is a member then specify expiry date of membership otherwise write N/A]

Membership of international (global) organisations: [provide list – acronyms will suffice, e.g. UNESCO, FAO, IMF, OECD, World Bank, etc]

Membership of regional and sub-regional organisations: [provide list – acronyms will suffice, e.g. EU, EEA, GCC, OAU, OAS, ASEAN, APEC, etc]


Environmental conventions and national legislation


Environmental conventions (signed, ratified, acceded – from ECOLEX): [for UNEP to complete]

National environmental legislation (main items from ECOLEX): [for UNEP to complete]

National environmental legislation custodian: [provide name of national institution that maintains a comprehensive collection of national environmental legislation. If available on the web, provide web URL address]


International environmental contributions profile


[for UNEP to complete]

UNEP Environment Fund:

UNEP Trust Funds:

UNEP Counterpart Funds:

Global Environment Facility (GEF):

GEF Counterpart Funds:


Country profile administration


Persons completing the form:



Form submitted by:


Date submitted: